These are some personal notes to help me configure JEdit according to my own preferences. JEdit is a very powerful editor; it has many plugins, but many plugins have overlapping functionality; you have to decide how to use it and configure it according to your preferences. It is not like Eclipse where you automatically get everything configured.
Favorite plugins:
- Editor Scheme .- Choose nice colors. I prefer dark backgrounds.
- File Browser .- Open new files.
- Buffer List .- Show open buffers.
- JDiff .- Compare text files.
- Whitespace
- check "remove trailing white spaces"
- check "tabify/untabify according to soft tabs setting"
- Text tools - sorting lines.
- Error list - View compile errors.
- Console
The console is mainly used to compile code. Errors in the console are sent to ErrorList.
cd ${d} # cd to the directory of the current buffer. make all # You can also create adhoc scripts # in the current directory.
If you see '???' characters you may need to change encoding to UTF-8. Go to Plugin Options-> Console -> General -> Character encoding. - CTagsSideKick - C++ Runs on top sidekick to browse the code in the current buffer. Similar to outline in Eclipse.
Global options:
- Docking:
- Buffer List - left
- File Browser - left
- Sidekick - left
- Error List - down
- Console - down
- Editing: set "tab width", "indent width" and "soft tabs".
- Gutter: check "line numbers".
- Proxy server.
- Text area: For ubuntu you may need to set "Anti Aliased smooth text: subpixel"
Custom macros:
- Save all buffers
- Show console
- Run last command
jEdit.saveAllBuffers(view, false); new console.Shell.SwitchAction("System").invoke(view); console = view.getDockableWindowManager().getDockable("console");; console.runLastCommand();
Create shortcuts:
- Console:System (toggle) CS-c
- Macro: Toggle header source CS-h
- Macro: saveAllAndRunLastCommand CS+m
- ErrorList: Goto next error CS+n
- ErrorList: Goto previous error CS+p
- Tags: Follow tag C+CLOSE_BRACKET
- Tags: Pop position C+t
Favorite shortcuts:
- Focus Buffer Switcher A+BACKQUOTE
- Toggle docked areas F12
- Complete word C+b
- Open a file C+o
- Create a new file C+n